dilluns, 4 de novembre del 2013

Para Carolina y Daniel, grupo de mayores

Os paso un link de una historia para que trabajéis los números ordinales a la vez que repasáis los animales.


Espero que os guste! :)

The parts of the Body

First of all, introduce the topic to the children, with words like:

-      hello kidsHoy vamos a trabajar las “parts of the body! ¿Qué recordáis sobre esto?”
   and let them to talk about this for a few minutes. Some of them would remember the head, the shoulders, the knees and the toes, for the song, and others would know more parts.

- Then, use the video: 

use this video twice or three times for make them try to repeat the names, and supporting with the images.

- Then, you can use the draw (click on the image to get the document)

(one photocopy for each)

    After watch the video, they can try to write the parts that they remember on the tab, and it wouldn’t be important how they write it, because at these ages they are learning to write following the sound, not the spelling, and it’s important for them to work in English class at the same way than in others. 

- After that, use the video “The Hokey Cokey” (click on the image):  
   They will stand up and repeat the song with the movements, deepening in the knowledge of the parts of the body, at the same time that they have fun.

I hope you'll enjoy it!!

Send kisses to my kids!